Monday, November 17, 2008

Anorexia Nervosa

Definition: Person refuses to maintain normal body weight for age and height.

The affected individuals include
women, time menstrual periods stop, and in men at the time levels of sex hormones fall. Sex drive disappears or is much diminished. These illness involves depression, irritability, withdrawal, and peculiar behaviors such as compulsive rituals, strange eating habits, and division of foods into "good/safe" and "bad/dangerous" categories. Person may have low tolerance for change and new situations; may fear growing up and assuming adult responsibilities and an adult lifestyle.

The most important thing that family and friends can do to help a person with anorexia is to love them. People with anorexia feel safe, secure and comfortable with their illness. Their biggest fear is gaining weight, and gaining weight is seen as loss of control. They may deny they have a problem. People with anorexia will beg and lie to avoid eating and gaining weight, which is like giving up the illness. Family and friends should not give in to the pleading of the anorexic patient.

Example of people that is infected with anorexia are: Mary-Kate Olsen.


1 comment:

david santos said...

Happy Lunar New Year!!!!